Party Week-First Snow

3 parties this week:  I guess we are making friends.  Last Sunday to celebrate a co-worker’s birthday, we were invited to an “Apéro”.   This was a new word for us, from French, meaning “aperitif”.  It was like a 1950’s cocktail party: snacks and drinks, plus a carrot cake for the B’day.  Jon had to arrive late due to a Sunday rehearsal, so I had a chance to listen in on some German conversation.  As it was Swiss German, I only caught a few words.

Next, we gave a dinner party Wednesday to spotlight Jon’s orange wine.  Another Autodesk employee had been in the USA and stayed a month at our house, so we asked him to bring back a bottle.  The dinner received many compliments and everyone was gracious about the wine-tasting.

Last night was the 2nd of Jon’s performances in Bern singing the Durufle Requiem at the French church.

French Church in Bern
The French Church in Bern
Jon (upper left) in rehearsal
Jon in rehearsal

Afterwards, a group of the singers headed out for wine and pizza in Bärenplatz.  The conversation at our end of the table was nearly all in English, but it was still a pleasure to hang out with a few locals.  It had started snowing in the afternoon and when we left the restaurant, we were surprised to see snow had started to collect.  By the time we were walking home from the tram, it was deepening on some bushes.

Barenplatz in Snow
Snow-covered palms in Barenplatz
Jon in our first Swiss snow
Jon in our first Swiss snow

More surprise today as it has continued coming down, soft and wet and fluffy, all day.  We couldn’t resist heading up into our forest, a fairyland of drooping snow-laden branches.

First snow in Gumligen
View from our balcony


MC in our fairyland forest
MC in our fairyland forest