Let the Packing Begin!

No – we still don’t know when we are going – but we cannot wait until we do before we start packing.  It now looks like we’re up against a wall, not knowing when we can go until 7 days before we must depart.  This international travel, dealing with the red tape and slow governments, getting permits and visas, is all new to us.  We’ve never travelled internationally without having our plane reservations months in advance.

Now we’re supposed to leave in less than two weeks, yet do not have visas or plane reservations yet.  In fact, the Swiss Consulate took Jon’s passport for “3-5 days” to issue the visa.  That was 9 days ago.

But we’re trying not to get nervous.  We’re proceeding as if we may still actually leave on May 12th.  So today Jon began doing our first major packing – the Tandem bicycle …

That's the Bike - and those are the suitcases it will go into
Sort of like stuffing an elephant into a barrel
But it really does come apart