Guests and Plans

This week we’re preparing for guests.  We borrowed an air mattress.  Which then necessitated borrowing a transformer to pump it. We’ve sent emails back and forth about what to bring us (Jon’s choral clothes) and what they want to do while here (cheese, chocolate, Alps).  We finally took the last of the suitcases and bike boxes to the basement storage unit. And Jon, through much struggle, installed the dining room chandelier!

I had a full day at last:  filled with cleaning everything in the house, setting up beds, and grocery shopping (two visits, couldn’t carry it all in one).  It felt good to have a clear and physical function.  Even though my ‘job’ as ‘vacation planner‘ is theoretically always there to be done, it’s elusive and frustrating with many dead-ends and lots of sitting.  So, we’re ready.

Well, we’re ready for the coming two weekends with our guests.  Then there’s all the weeks and weekends beyond that.  In the last two days we’ve finalized travel plans for our Paris trip (7/28-8/1) and gone through 14 permutations of possibilities for a trip to Scandinavia (potentially August or September).  Somehow the planning has not, as I had hoped, become easier.