French Wine Regions

We did not realize when planning this tour, that we would be covering every major wine growing region in France except one, and then we started with that one when we went wine tasting with Don and Bob. So we have now visited all of them!

We have had Bordeaux in Bordeaux, Muscodet in Nantes, Chenon in Chinon, Vouvray in Vouvray, Cheverny in Cheverny, Touraine in Chenonceaux, and today we are in the final region where we had Sancerre in Sancerre!

Once again we find ourselves in a not-so-great hotel, but above a gourmet restaurant. That’s a cauliflower concoction in the glass.

Guess it goes along with our theme from earlier, when we crossed a canal bridge and ended up having lunch at an artisan chocolatiers where even the cup was edible.

Oh, and did we mention that it’s really getting hot now, and the cycling is really difficult! 😉

We actually did put in an 84k day. After all, we’ve got to burn up all those gourmet calories.