French Mysteries

It was another beautiful cycling day with good paths and roads. Tomorrow we will have made up all the extra three days we spent at the Chateaus, and will be back on schedule.

So we were busy cycling today, but as we look back at the only three photos we took – we see that each represents a mystery:

We’ve come across many signs that we don’t really understand. Perhaps this one is letting us know that swimming with your bicycle is not allowed? We just hope none of them were important!

Here is where our path today came to a dead end. After this was a closed gate and a farm field with no further road. But our GPS track from Euro Velo 6 went right through it! So somebody took a bicycle through here once!?

And this was the best of all. Two obelisks standing side by side at the river. Nothing else around. MC went to investigate while Jon watched her disappear behind them – fearing they might be a star gate, and she was now being transported through time and space …

Actually, our working theory became that they are the towers of an old suspension bridge, but that proposal sounded too ordinary. There seems to be a tendency for long-distance cycle tourists to keep their minds active through fantasy, song creation, and categorization of road kill.

But that’s for another blog.