Doubs to Rhine

We’ve reached the end of the Doubs (river/canal/canton/county)!

For the past couple days we’ve been watching green squares with kilometer markings counting down from 135 to 0, without knowing what they were for. Nothing seems to excite (some) cyclists more, than a bunch of mysterious numbers counting down along the route!

This was not the total trip along the Doubs, as we first joined it about 5 days ago. But apparently it is a section of pathway that is built by the county, and is one of the best we’ve been on so far.

But it does mean that we are not only moving into the next river basin, but we are also moving across the divide from the Mediterranean to the North Sea.

We are not sure when we switched from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean. But we remember the experience. On this trip it has happened 3 times. It has always been along a canal, and suddenly the locks are all running downhill.

This is our third and final divide crossing. We will now follow the Rhine and Aare rivers back to Bern and Gumligen.