Back in the Confederation Helvetia!

Something tells us we are back in Switzerland!

Actually we were both surprised how familiar and comfortable it is to be here again. It has come to feel like home. We asked in German for the nearest lebbensmittal and were told there was a Migros 100m around the corner, and we knew what that meant!

Our day began riding the final section of the Doubs Rhine canal to Basel. Along the way we got to see a very different lock – one for BIG boats. It was actually very impressive how the massive barge slowly moved into the lock with about 1/4 meter clearance on each side, and never once touched. (Film later)

Just north of Basel we crossed the Rhine, leaving France, and the French language, behind, after nearly 6 weeks.

Jon had done some checking, and it looked like the EV6 stayed on the German side of the Rhine, so we thought we would try it, and not use our planned route in Switzerland, #2. However, within a kilometer, the EV6 signs disappeared. We ended up picking our way along the river to Reinfelden where we could cross into Switzerland, and continue our route there.

This was actually a bit exciting for us because we had been at this same bridge almost exactly one year ago, on our second short tour in Switzerland. We had ridden from the Bodensee to Basel our second weekend after arriving.

Another event on that trip was a hope to see the Feldschlosschen Brewery, but it was closed. Today we returned and got to see a little of its museum, and some of it’s art deco architecture.

We ended the day returning to the same campground we had stayed in last year, which is where the Swiss Burgers came from.