You can be become a registered member of this website simply by
sending us an email and letting us know.
We do not share any information about our membership with anyone else.
We do not give out member information to anyone.
If another member wishes to contact you, they must email us a request - that we will forward to you.
We respect your privacy, and if you do not wish to be listed anywhere on this website, including the Cast Page, please let us know.
Registered members have a listing on the Registered Members page, and you control what is posted about you on that page.
The minimum is simply a "Contact" link - which enables someone to send us the request email, mentioned above.
We also will not post any contact information which can be accessed by spammers, including email and street addresses.
We can post links to public personal web pages and facebook profile badges.
Please share with us as much information as you like, and clearly indicate which parts you are giving us permission to post on the Registered Members page.
See the
Registered Members page for examples.
Things you may want to consider posting include:
- Your current name (if different from the Cast Page)
- When you were a member (of Junior Sing Out, Sing Out, other)
- What leadership roles you may have had
- Your current city of residence
- What you are doing these days
- A picture
- Links to a personal webpage or facebook badge
We look forward to hearing from you!