Monthly Archives: May 2012

The Next 175

It felt like we were taking it easy.  Yes, there were a few hills the first day.  But we had so much time to cover not many kilometers (Schaffhausen to Basel in 3 days), that the pace seemed almost leisurely.  … Continue reading

Posted in Bicycling, Germany, Switzerland | Leave a comment

The First 250

Too perfect to be true, but it is.  The plan (the dream?) was 4 days biking by the Bodensee with 3 nights camping.  The reality was 4 glorious days biking by the Bodensee with 3 nights spent being completely coddled by … Continue reading

Posted in Bicycling, Germany, Switzerland | Leave a comment

Fear of Groceries

I love food.  I enjoy eating tasty things that I believe are also good for me. I hate waste. I don’t like spending oodles of money. I like trying new foods, but I get confused looking at packages and not … Continue reading

Posted in Guemligen, Switzerland | Leave a comment

We Left, We Flew, We Arrived


Posted in Repatriating, Switzerland | Leave a comment

Pack & Say Hello

We are finished packing!!  What a challenge it was.  We kept rearranging and re-deciding what to take until we had all the cases below the airline weight limits.  My studio tenant, Elizabeth, came over and we had our last session … Continue reading

Posted in Repatriating | Leave a comment