Monthly Archives: October 2012

Party Week-First Snow

3 parties this week:  I guess we are making friends.  Last Sunday to celebrate a co-worker’s birthday, we were invited to an “Apéro”.   This was a new word for us, from French, meaning “aperitif”.  It was like a 1950’s cocktail … Continue reading

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Smell the Roses – Zurichsee

Another one-day holiday:  Jon had rehearsal on Sunday, so we had only Saturday for touring.  Jon’s request:  once around the lake, any lake. Lake Neuchatel—did it, Bodensee—did it.  Lake Geneva—too big.   Lake Zurich or Lake Lucerne or Lake Zug—all possible.  … Continue reading

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Peak Season – Zermatt

Fall is here in full force.  It starts in the mountains and seeps down into the valleys.  Saturday we walked to the Gumligen train station under twinkling stars.  The trip to Zermatt takes 2.5 hours and we wanted to spend … Continue reading

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A Roll in the Hay

This was not one of our more glamorous European excursions.  Weather was iffy.  As the weekend neared, predictions held for rain Sunday, but maybe not Saturday.  On Friday, with Jon working at home, we watched the beautiful blue sky and … Continue reading

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Herbst beginnt

Last Saturday it rained.  And it was cold.  All day.  Sunday was overcast.  And cold.  All day.  Today, Monday, more clouds, more cold.  Depressing.  Not just for today, but in anticipation.  Fall has begun.  Oh, there will be a few … Continue reading

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