Fish & Frogs, Sheep & Dogs

It’s been a very busy spring day here in France. Within a few meters of the start of our day’s ride we caught an unusual sight and sound in the Loire. Unfortunately the really explicit photos, and the sound track that goes with it, will have to wait until we get on a computer.

In the water was spawning salmon and in the grasses were so many frogs going at it, that it sounded like one continuous croak! And just downstream was an island of nesting seagulls.

Then as we came near our destination Chateau, we saw what surely were the shorn sheep of Cheverny.

Whilst inside we watched the 101 Chateau hounds waiting for their dinner.

Of course we saw the Chateau as well.

And ended the day by going native. First, our Chambre d’Hote was too far away to walk, so we unloaded the bike and rode it empty into town. Riding a bike without bags around here makes you look like a local.

Then we went grocery shopping for dinner, and rode back to the countryside carrying a bag of groceries.

And finally, we topped it off by eating out on the lawn in the sunset.



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