Author Archives: JMC

V is for Villandry and Vouvray!

We are entering into perhaps the most decadent portion of our tour. Over the next several days we do not intend to travel far because the density of Chateaus is reaching its peak. We will also be doing a bit … Continue reading

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Ah Loire!

Our threat to change the name of the tour seems to have paid off! Despite the weather forecast, we had no rain today, the warmest day so far (Jon was down to his lightest clothes part of the day), and … Continue reading

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Perhaps we could try renaming the Tour?

We’ve been cycling near, next to, on top of, in, through, over, and completely drenched by … the waters of France! Today was the rainiest day we’ve had yet, and we are still rerouting around the flooded paths. At least … Continue reading

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Too much Water #2

Not rain this time, but a flood! We started the day on beautiful paths out of Nantes. It was much easier than our ride into Nantes from the west. Then we hit about 15km of single track and mud. But … Continue reading

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Images of Nantes

We took a rest from cycling today, and spent the day touring Nantes. Turns out it has a very rich history, as it was a major inland port supported by ocean tides. The churches here tend to have modern stained … Continue reading

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Wow! Today was so different, we’re not sure if we’re still on the same tour. It was our final day on the Atlantic coast, but we almost didn’t recognize it. The sun was shining, it was warm, and – no … Continue reading

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Cycling by the Tides

One thing we have not mentioned yet, is that our daily progress over the last two days has in part been dictated by the tides. A section of our route today can only be traversed at low tide, so we … Continue reading

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Atlantic Coast Ramblings

Today was our first day on the coast that it did not rain! In fact even the headwinds died down to about 20km, so it was a welcome improvement. (Never thought I’d ever say that about a headwind.) In the … Continue reading

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Tandem Power in Cuckoo Country

Today we saw the most awesome sign – almost fell off our Tandem! We know that bicyclists are a minority among travelers, and of course Tandem cyclists are a very small minority of bicyclists. Well, a very enlightened and conscientious … Continue reading

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Now, doesn’t that sound better? Bet you’re tired of us talking about the wind. But as much as even we don’t want to believe it – today was the worse yet. We had 35km headwinds pretty much dead on all … Continue reading

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