Author Archives: MCW

Quarry – Ostermundigen

It has snowed AGAIN!! This past week Thursday was warm (10 Celsius) and the last bits of snow had melted.  But Saturday brought a new light coating and now as I report from my living room there’s a fresh thick … Continue reading

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Lucerne Encore

Last night was Jon’s penultimate Swiss concert, Verdi at the KKL.  The choir’s last rehearsal was midday Saturday in the concert hall, leaving us 5 hours to entertain ourselves in Lucerne.  Our goal was to see whatever we might have … Continue reading

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Little Dornach

Winter is a mixed blessing.  We rather enjoy the loveliness:  snow here seems always to be soft and fluffy, clinging to trees, and the streets never seem to accumulate the dirty slush that I remember from St. Louis, I suppose … Continue reading

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Winter Concerts – Geneva, Bern, Luzern, Basel, Biel

In Bern Jon joined 2 different choruses, Canto Classico and Berner Bach Chor.  Each group plans various projects through the year and members chose which ones they want to sign up for.   Wanting to get as much experience singing here as … Continue reading

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Geneva in Winter

A concert in Geneva, in the famous Victoria Hall, ooh sounds lovely!  Might as well go early and spend the day seeing this famous city by the lake. Research turned up a few architectural sites: Unexpectedly, the timing of the … Continue reading

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Christmas Baths – Baden-Baden, Germany

How well named a town!  Jon’s chorus would be rehearsing with the Baden-Baden Orchestra, bussing there and back, thus taking a full day for a 4-hour rehearsal.  Room on the bus meant I could tag along to see the town.  … Continue reading

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Christmas begins – Bern

Weihnachtsmarkt, or Christmas Market, began in Bern on Saturday 12/1.  Jon and I walked into Bern, taking side streets just to see something different.   We spent most of the day strolling through the Christmas Market in Romerplatz, the downtown stores, … Continue reading

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Zibelemärit – Bern

Rain and cold and another quiet weekend.  Played catch-up with pictures and blog posts.  We did get out for a quick bike ride over the hill and through the woods, a quick 20k just to be out. Monday Nov. 26 … Continue reading

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Cool Ride – Visp to Montreux

The weekend would be foggy and cold.  What to do?  Smart Jon checked forecasts all over Switzerland.  Warmest temps would be in the South Valley.  He’d been wanting to bike there after reading about the bike route from Oberwald to … Continue reading

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The hills are alive with the sound of music, REALLY!

Dove gray and drippy skies could not stop us.  It’s a stay-at-home weekend but I wanted at least a walk in the woods.  So we headed into our forest.  The colors this fall have amazed us.  Such a mixed variety … Continue reading

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