Category Archives: Guemligen

Guests and Plans

This week we’re preparing for guests.  We borrowed an air mattress.  Which then necessitated borrowing a transformer to pump it. We’ve sent emails back and forth about what to bring us (Jon’s choral clothes) and what they want to do … Continue reading

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Perhaps you have read our earlier blog entries: our wonderful weekend adventures.  Our weekdays, however, are not so exceptional.  Jon is working as he would back home, with all the challenges and frustrations that has always entailed.  I (Mary Carol) am living … Continue reading

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Fear of Footpaths

Today’s success? I got lost.  Now, I know you’d think the success part would be I found my way back to my computer and can write in the blog again.  But to get lost, you have to dare to go … Continue reading

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Fear of Groceries

I love food.  I enjoy eating tasty things that I believe are also good for me. I hate waste. I don’t like spending oodles of money. I like trying new foods, but I get confused looking at packages and not … Continue reading

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The Beginning

It is mid-April 2012.  Jon and Mary Carol have been on a roller coaster of anticipation, disappointment, expectation, angst and excitement.   Last November we learned we had a good possibility of living in Switzerland for a full year.  Jon could … Continue reading

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